Friday, November 16, 2007

Navigating the sea of innovation

Philips Design - New value by Design Magazine- Issue 34, Oct 2007

Key point here are:

1. "Effective innovation is about managing the entire approach in a non-linear, holistic way and finding the right path to solve an innovation challenge"
2. "Innovation can be seen as a network of opinions" Identifying the right mix of competencies a team must possess is key.

3. Competencies and roles needed:
  • The Pathfinder: The Pathfinder must be clear about the end goal or destination. They plan the journey and anticipate all the kinds of expertise that will be required.
  • The Interpreter: The Interpreter can see things from different perspectives and build bridges between new combinations of disciplines to create collaboration. They are also responsible for communication of information and the sorting out of what is relevant.
  • The Catalyst: Philips Design maintains the creative red thread for the organizations with which it works to ensure it doesn't get watered down. It inspires confidence and motivation; encouraging organizations to get out of the box and embrace the new.
  • The Alchemist: The Alchemist synthesizes the right insights and the right chemistry of the team. Whilst there is no set formula, there are three key factors for success: embrace trial and error, allow creative breathing space, enrich initial ideas. "Not every person in the team needs to have these competencies," Taylor explains, "but the team in total should cover them all."
4. Innovation Matrix model:

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